Booked again

Gabi had her first baby - a beautiful little girl - about 4 years ago. She contacted us months in advance to let us know that she was pregnant again and expecting a little boy in January 2025. How exciting! We love seeing clients again and it is especially joyful to see this couple again after so many years. We marked the date on our calendars and kept a mental note in the back of our minds since she was planning to have a natural delivery again. With no complications and a beautiful pregnancy we didn't expect any trouble at the delivery.


I didn't have a theatre list for Tuesday but I did have a full schedule of other things to do when I got a message from Gabi that she was being induced. Immediately everything had to have a backup plan and my camera had to travel with me all day to ensure I could run the moment it was close to the time for the delivery. Nothing happened. All day. It was quiet, with a random text from her every few hours saying nothing was happening. Until 16h44.

My phone rang 3 times. Twice from the gynaecologist to tell me she was in active labour and I needed to hurry and once from Gabi's husband to say he thought it might be time for me to come to hospital.


I don't know why every old lady with a tiny car wanted to go shopping right the moment when I had to get to hospital in a hurry, but I landed behind every slow car in Nelspruit on my way to Gabi. My heart pounded as I ran down the hospital hallway, dodging nurses and patients on beds, all the while praying that I would make it in time. I punched in the code to the maternity ward and dashed to the labour rooms just in time to catch a smiling dr Joubert in the room. 2 or 3 pushes later and a healthy little boy cried loudly to announce his arrival. After 900 plus births I still hold my breath every time a baby is born until I hear them cry. Gabi had a completely unmedicated natural delivery and barely made a sound through it all. She looked at me through tired eyes. She did it. She finally had her baby boy after nine months of waiting and praying. He continued to fuss until he was placed on his mother's chest and heard her voice and heartbeat and then settled into a quiet slumber.

Congratulation Gabi! You were such an encouragement and example of strength and perseverance. We are so proud of you!

Until our next adventure

Much love,

Lizelle and Charlotte